
Shop located in the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History (Brussels)


British Artillery Weapons 1914-1918

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British Artillery Weapons 1914-1918
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British Artillery Weapons 1914-1918
Reference : LO-2-07-TL
Full title : British Artillery Weapons & Ammunition 1914-1918
This book catalogues all types thta were in British service at the commencement of hostilities and all new developments that were rushed to the battlefronts during the following four years. It also includes types that would have entered service in 1919 had the war continued. Also listed are the great variety of coast defence weapons and the19th Century veterans that were wheeled out of retirement in readiness for active service if needed.
Authors : Ian V. Hogg, L. F. Thurston
Language : ENGLISH
Publisher : Ian Allan
Collection :
Publication date : 1972
Genre : Historical
Weight : 1380 g
Dimensions (Width / Height / Thickness) : 22 x 28,5 x 2 cm
Number of pages : 255
2nd hand good condition - repaired cover
Dispatch: 1 x per week
Delivery time: 3 to 6 working days (non-contractual information)
Products available : 0
2nd hand good condition