
Shop located in the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History (Brussels)


MAN 7t Milgl 1:35

MAN 7t Milgl 1:35
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MAN 7t Milgl 1:35
Reference : CM-3291-TO
MAN 7t Milgl 1:35

Revell 3291
Scale 1:35
Skill level 4
Pieces : 141
Length : 25,4 cm

Model kit of the MAN 7t Milgl. This truck is used by the Bundeswehr to supply troops with materials, even in difficult terrain. Thanks to its 6x6 all-wheel drive and highly manoeuvrable axles, it is perfectly suited to this difficult task and is rightly regarded as one of the best trucks in its class worldwide.
Reproduction of drive lines and axles
Separate rubber wheels
Driver's cab with interior fittings
Detailed platform and tarpaulin

Authentic representation of the following versions:
4. Kompanie, schweres Pionierbataillon 330, Speyer, 2000
Pionierbataillon 140, Emmerich, 2005
2. Battery, Artillierebataillon 295, Immendingen, 2000/2001
Estland, 2007, Zugkraftwagen für 155 mm Feldhaubitze FH-70
Products available : 1
2024-12-31 29.2029,20