
Shop located in the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History (Brussels)


Mechanised Warfare, 1915-1945

Mechanised Warfare, 1915-1945
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Mechanised Warfare, 1915-1945
Reference : PM-100-TL
Full title : De gemechaniseerde oorlog, 1915-1945
In 2022 the War Heritage Institute largely refurbished its Bastogne Barracks scenography in order to present visitors with a unique and enriching experience. The exhibition halls house a large collection of Second World War vehicles and guns.

This military paraphernalia, ranging from the small Willys Jeep to the imposing ISU-152, over the Scammell, the Pacific, the Panzer IV and several Sherman variants, offers an insight into military mechanisation in the 1930s and ’40s.

The WHI now completes this permanent set-up with a book highlighting thirty years of military vehicle developments in Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, the U.S.S.R. and the United States. Readers can in that way discover the histories of both the vehicles on display and the belligerents who deployed them during the war. Detailed information about the specific technical features of each vehicle, as well as anecdotes about their operational usage pepper the pages of this book focusing on men, machines and war.
Authors : Ben Schraverus
Language : ENGLISH
Publisher : Snoeck / War Heritage Institute
Collection : geschiedenis
Publication date : 2024
Genre : Historical
Weight : 1300 g
Dimensions (Width / Height / Thickness) : 17,5 x 24,6 x 3,4 cm
Number of pages : 364
EAN : 9789461619600
Dispatch: 1 x per week
Delivery time: 3 to 6 working days (non-contractual information)
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Products available : 5
2025-12-31 34.5034,50