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Modelling the German 15cm sIG33 Bison an

Modelling the German 15cm sIG33 Bison an
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Modelling the German 15cm sIG33 Bison an
Reference : C-05-TL
Full title : Modelling the German 15cm sIG33 Bison and Grille
The Bison and Grille are today's commonly used names for the German self-propelled 15cm schwere Infanteriegeschütz 33 (sIG33) vehicles of World War II. The sIG33 was the most powerful support weapon for the German infantry at the beginning of the war, and from 1940 it was mounted on a range of tracked vehicles.

This book demonstrates the construction of five 1/35-scale models of specific examples of the various self-propelled sIG33 vehicles. The modeller is led through the various skill leves of construction by combining exiting kits with some aftermarket accessories and scratch-built items.
Authors : Gary Edmundson
Language : ENGLISH
Publisher : Osprey Modelling n°19
Collection :
Publication date : 2005
Genre : Historical/modelkit
Weight : 275 g
Dimensions (Width / Height / Thickness) : 18,5 x 24,7 x 0,5 cm
Number of pages : 80
EAN : 9781841768403
2nd hand good condition -

Dispatch: 1 x per week
Delivery time: 3 to 6 working days (non-contractual information)
Products available : 1
2nd hand good condition
2025-12-31 5.505,50