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Normandy June 44 - 4 - Sword Beach

Normandy June 44 - 4 - Sword Beach
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Normandy June 44 - 4 - Sword Beach
Reference : BD-59-ML
Vollständiger Titel : Normandy June 44 - 4 - Sword Beach, Caen
On June 5th 2009, the day of the commemoration in the German cemetery of La Cambe, the German ambassador Schäffers gave an emotional speech. Many veterans from all countries listened carefully. In the crowd, a man is listening in a very special way. This man is Wolfgang Fleischmann… Wolfgang is looking for Paul Rapier amongst the participants. They met in Ouistreham 65 years ago. It was June 1944, the 6th exactly, the day of the Landing. Their encounter was brief… on that day, Wolfgang and Paul were enemies…
Autoren : DJIAN Jean-Blaise - MARIVAIN Bruno - BOURNIER Isabelle
Sprache : ENGLISCH
Herausgeber : Orep Editions
Sammlung: -
Erscheinungsdatum : 2024
Genre : Comicstrips Historisch - Geschichtsfiktion
Gewicht : 520 g
Abmessungen (Breite / Höhe / Dicke) : 21,5 x 29 x 1 cm
Anzahl der Seiten : 48 + 16-seitiges Lernheft
EAN : 9782815109086
ISBN : 978-2-8151-0908-6
Neues Buch
Versand: 1 x pro Woche
Lieferzeit: 3 bis 6 Werktage (unverbindliche Informationen)
Produkte zur Verfügung : 6
Neues Buch
2025-12-31 14.9014,90