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Normandy June 44 - 5 - Juno Beach

Normandy June 44 - 5 - Juno Beach
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Normandy June 44 - 5 - Juno Beach
Reference : BD-61-ML
Vollständiger Titel : Normandy June 44 - 5 - Juno Beach
During the 2nd World War, Canada paid a heavy toll when Europe was liberated. During August 1942, due to the lack of direction, the landing in Dieppe, named “Operation Jubilee”, ended in failure and heavy losses… but in the end, it proved itself necessary as it allowed the Allied staff to prepare another one: “Operation Neptune” that was part of the “Overlord plan” and was going to be decisive… On June 6th 1944, the Canadian soldiers landed on Juno Beach. For them, nothing would be the same, and yet… almost all of these young people were volunteers!

25 years later, one of the survivors participates in a broadcast relative to the memories of these events. It's on “Radio Montreal” and the studio is full of emotions.
Autoren : DJIAN Jean-Blaise - MARIVAIN Bruno - BOURNIER Isabelle
Herausgeber : Orep Editions
Sammlung: -
Erscheinungsdatum : 2024
Genre : Comicstrips Historisch - Geschichtsfiktion
Gewicht : 520 g
Abmessungen (Breite / Höhe / Dicke) : 21,5 x 29 x 1 cm
Anzahl der Seiten : 48 + 16-seitiges Lernheft
EAN : 9782815109093
ISBN : 978-2-8151-0909-3
Neues Buch
Versand: 1 x pro Woche
Lieferzeit: 3 bis 6 Werktage (unverbindliche Informationen)
Produkte zur Verfügung : 4
Neues Buch
2025-12-31 14.9014,90