
Shop located in the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History (Brussels)


Tanks and Armor in Modern Warfare

Tanks and Armor in Modern Warfare
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Tanks and Armor in Modern Warfare
Reference : C1917-01TL
Full title : Tanks and Armor in Modern Warfare
Written by a combat veteran, the book taces in detail the concept of the early tank as an armored vehicle during the early years of this century (20th) and follows it through to the sophisticated armor employed by modern armies today (book written in 1966)
Authors : James Cary
Language : ENGLISH
Publisher : Franklin Watts, Inc. [New York]
Collection :
Publication date : 1966
Genre : Historical
Weight : 720 g
Dimensions (Width / Height / Thickness) : 16,8 x 24,3 x 2,8 cm
Number of pages : 268
2nd hand good condition, only the paper cover has been repaired
Dispatch: 1 x per week
Delivery time: 3 to 6 working days (non-contractual information)
Products available : 1
2nd hand used condition
2024-12-31 9.509,50