
Shop in het Koninklijk Museum van het Leger en de Krijgsgeschiedenis (Brussel)


Trivial Pursuit 14-18 (travel version)

Trivial Pursuit 14-18 (travel version)
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Trivial Pursuit 14-18 (travel version)
Verwijzing : JEU-04-MO
Test your general knowledge of the First World War in this unique edition of the 14-18 Trivial Pursuit, with 600 questions!

When was the armistice signed?
What weapon did the poilus call the "coffee grinder"?
Which fort defending Verdun did the Germans capture on 25 February 1916?
Can you find the right answers?

A travel version of Trivial Pursuit.

6 categories with 600 questions
Daily View
Events & Dates
Equipment & War Techniques


Card case for storage
1 game rules card
100 question and answer cards (6 questions in French per card)
1 Trivial Pursuit collector token
1 game dice

Box dimensions: 135 x 135 x 85 mm
2 players and more
Recommended age: from 8 years
Producten beschikbaar : 0