
Shop in het Koninklijk Museum van het Leger en de Krijgsgeschiedenis (Brussel)


Trivial Pursuit D-Day (travel version)

Trivial Pursuit D-Day (travel version)
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Trivial Pursuit D-Day (travel version)
Verwijzing : JEU-06-ZO
Test your knowledge of the WWII in this unique edition of Trivial Pursuit with 600 questions !

Can you answer every question correctly ?

A collector's trivial Pursuit toke to add to your Family Edition!

Travel edition of the Trivial Pursuit.

Box dimensions: 135 x 135 x 85 mm
2 players and more
Recommended age: from 8 years

Questions in ENGLISH
Producten beschikbaar : 1
2025-12-31 24.9024,90
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