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War Beneath the Waves

War Beneath the Waves
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War Beneath the Waves
Verwijzing : ZG14-01-ZL
Titel : War Beneath the Waves - U-Boat Flotilla Flandern 1915-1918
From the moment the Germans came to possess the largest part of the Flanders Coast in 1914, they began the construction of numerous fortifications, batteries, bunkers, trenches and machine gun nests. This impressive installation had only one objective: to build and protect the biggest U-boat base the world would ever seen.

For four years the German U-boats of U-Flottille Flandern would become a serious threat to the omnipotence of the Royal Navy and its fleet. By the end of the war they had managed to sink a total of 2,554 Allied ships, totalling 2.5 million tons of shipping.

The Royal Navy put everything it had at its disposal to defeat the U-boats. Mines, steel nets, patrol craft, Q-ships, aircraft, airships, convoys, espionage and specially equipped salvage units had to eliminate the activities of the U-boat. As a consequence, these countermeasures caused the loss of 80% of the U-boats which were stationed in the Flemish ports.

Underwater archaeologist and naval historian Tomas Termote visited the wrecks of many U-boats and has unraveled many of their secrets. He also writes about life on board the U-boats, their importance in the war and the heavy losses on both sides. For the first time a detailed insight in this unique part of history is given with an account of the fate of every U-boat of the fleet.
Auteur : Tomas Termote
Uitgever : Uniform Press
Collectie :
Publicatiedatum : 2017
Gewicht : 1350 g
Afmetingen (Lengte / Breedte / Dikte) : 20 x 25,5 x 2 cm
Aantal pagina's : 352
EAN : 9781910500644
ISBN : 978-1-910500-64-4
Nieuw staat

Producten beschikbaar : 4
Nieuw staat
2024-12-31 34.5034,50