
Shop located in the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History (Brussels)


Waterloo (English version)

Waterloo (English version)
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Waterloo (English version)
Reference : BD-06-ML
Full title : Waterloo (English version)
In June 2015, an ambitious re-enactment of the Battle of Waterloo was organised on the very site of Napoleon's defeat. Thousands of passionate re-enactors from all over the world will bring to life, for tens of thousands of spectators, this event that changed the course of history two hundred years ago.
The official comic book of the event (34 pg), which recounts all the stages of the battle under the supervision of Patrice Courcelle, a world expert on the Napoleonic era, is complemented by a dossier (14 pg) on the great History and the small stories of the Battle of Waterloo.
Authors : Mor, TemPoe & Courcelle
Language : English
Publisher : Sandawe
Collection : -
Publication date : 2015
Genre : Comic strips Historical
Weight : 430 g
Dimensions (Width / Height / Thickness) : 21,5 x 30 x 0,7 cm
Number of pages : 48
EAN : 9782930623436
ISBN : 978-2-930623-43-6
gift of an ex-libris
Products available : 2
2024-12-31 19.9019,90